The answer to last week's question was true. Mindless Behavior did win an award at the BET awards for 2012 called the Pepsi / Cola Viewers choice award. The answer to this week's question will be revealed next week! Keep checking back!:)
(As for this week's question, I'll give you pictures of the four lucky girls and you'll deciede who likes who.)

Princeton's life motto and favorite word is:peace:)

Keisha Gamble is Mindless Behavior's manager. She was part of the group of people that discovered the boys. The answer will be revealed next week.

I'm sorry I haven' written in a few weeks. School and all. So anyway the answer to the previous week was Princeton:11th, Ray Ray:11th, Prodigy:10th, Roc Royal:10th. Ray Ray and Princeton both skipped a grade so they are ahead so they are ahead in the 11th grade.

The answer was Ray Ray. Ray was a krump dancer prior to joining Mindless Behavior. If you don't know what that is, then it is a type of dance that you use your legs, arms, back pretty much as many bones as you have in your body to express your feelings through dance. The answer to this weeks question will be revealed next week.

The answer to last week's question was April 21. Princeton's birthday was April 21. Like I said previously, the previous week will be revealed when the next question is revealed. So every Sunday. I change the question and a new one is updated. The answer to this week's question is going to be revealed next wee.

Last week's question was "Where are Princeton,Prodigy,Ray Ray and Roc Royal from?". The answer is Princeton:Los Angles, California ; Prodigy:Philly,Pennsylvania; Ray Ray: Los Angles,California and Roc Royal: Los Angles, California.
  The answer to this week's question will be revealed next week on next sunday keep checking back for new updates to the site!
This is the official Mindless Behavor Question of the Week Blog by me! I will ask you a question and you reply your answers in the comments bar below. I will reveal the answer to the question is the next week's question. Check back ever Sunday to find out the previous week's question and the next week's question! I will go easy on you in the begining, but the questions will get harder. The questions will be only about Mindless Behavior and no one else. If you are really mindless, but your knowledge to the test! :) 
                      ------ Jayla, mindless fan


    Hey! My name is Jayla and I live in Michigan,USA and I am 13 and  I love mindless behavior and this is my way of spreading my love to the world.Mindless Behavior is an amazing group and deserve worldwide stardom. Hopefully this website will help with that! 4 ever mindless. 
        Peace, Love and equality!
    ----- Jayla,Princeton wife#1, don't be hatin' all you Princeton lovers.